Help with Copays!

If you belong to FB support groups you may see things I find there and share here because I just can't resist it. Thanks to Charlotte, I found this gem on the most recent group I joined…

This website has coupons you can apply towards certain prescriptions, it will help reduce your copay, many times by a considerable amount.

I hope somebody can benefit from this!! If you see anything online that you want to share with the community/group, just add a discussion and share away!!

Hi Nichole,
Thanks for posting this, and with your permission, I'll share it on other sites!
Hope you are well today,

Please do, I borrowed it from another site ;-). I figure if it's a link on another site it's fine to share. If it's something somebody writes personally, I ask permission.

Hope you are doing good too.


SK said:

Hi Nichole,
Thanks for posting this, and with your permission, I'll share it on other sites!
Hope you are well today,

Human7777 turned me onto the fact that NORD has an assistance program too!

Great, thank you Human7777!!! I was told the the one I posted would not help with IV treatments like Rituxan, with NORD, I bet they would…

That med 7777 gets such good results with is $30,000.00 a vial! Talk about ASTRONOMICALLY EXPENSIVE!!! Whew!

I fought tooth and nail to get IVIG covered by my insurance and was told it costed about 25,000 per dose. Well they finally caved and it ended up putting me in the hospital with a horrible case of spinal meningitis! Lol…irony.

But my point was I took a medical sociology class and the instructor would love to bring in printouts of all kinds of medications of their prices then their base prices so we could see the markups of oh I don't know 1,000 percent!! And I'm not exaggerating. Sad.

SK said:

That med 7777 gets such good results with is $30,000.00 a vial! Talk about ASTRONOMICALLY EXPENSIVE!!! Whew!

OMG, that can be deadly! What a horrible thing to happen! Was it a side effect? We're lucky to still have you, girlfriend!

It was a side effect. The night of my second dose I was admitted for what the ER docs kept calling a migraine. I was telling them it wasn’t while screaming and crying. Eventually I had the spinal tap and they figured it out! I hear bacterial meningitis is worse though.

SK said:

OMG, that can be deadly! What a horrible thing to happen! Was it a side effect? We're lucky to still have you, girlfriend!