Eye lid rash

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to calm the eyelid rash down? I have had it for over two months and it is beginning to travel underneath my eye. I swear, my eyeballs even feel affected.

Hey Sherri what kind of a rash are you talking about? Interestingly enough my right eye lid has had a scaly light red rash that popped up mysteriously a few months ago, doesn’t itch or anything, it’s just “there”.

My eyelids itch, red to dark red/purple, burning, scaly, and sometimes swell. It loos like some heliotrope rash pictures I have seen. Is you rash a heliotrope?

No it’s not, I think it’s probably just eczema maybe, I’ll have the rheumy look at it if I still have it the next time I go… Do you have dermatomyosiitis? I’ve been told I have polymyositis

Hi Sherri,

Sorry to reply so late. Did you get any relief for your eyes? I got all kinds of creams from my doctors when I was going through diagnosis for DM and nothing worked. I didn't get relief until the Prednisone made the rash go away.

I hope that you found something, please let us know how you're doing!

I just learned the other day that not getting enough Vitamin D may effect our skin symptoms! I am going to look into this more!

Part of my medication routine is a Vitamin D supplement. I was told it was to help with the side effect of other meds, but if it does double duty, great :-)


Thanks for replying to my question. I can't use steriod base drugs because I have another condition.

I have been using Alcon Systane nightime ointment all around my eyes through out the day and in my eyes at night. I only use it at night. It makes vision blurry. It has helped to reduce the scaliness and heal the skin. At least I think so. The inflammation is still there and is itching. But the skin isn't cracking or peeling.

I have had my first bout of rashs on my hands. I have been using a heavy cream (nivea) on my hands without much success. I think I am going to put the eye ointment on my hand and see what happens. It can't hurt.


Please let me know what you find out. Meanwhile, I will start it again. Thanks!

Maren Holzinger said:

I just learned the other day that not getting enough Vitamin D may effect our skin symptoms! I am going to look into this more!

Hi gals - well a year later and I've got nothin'!

I have been taking Vitamin D and using a steroid creme from my Dermatologist and my own eye rashes are horrible!

I'm in a bad flare right now though, so I think that it just might be a reflection of what is happening to me on the inside. I wish that there was a magic cure to make the rashes go away (well, and the Myositis, but baby steps, right?!) Ha!

Hope you're all well!

The only thing that helped my rash go away was prednisone… Blah!

Hoping you get out of that flare soon!

Maren Holzinger said:

Hi gals - well a year later and I've got nothin'!

I have been taking Vitamin D and using a steroid creme from my Dermatologist and my own eye rashes are horrible!

I'm in a bad flare right now though, so I think that it just might be a reflection of what is happening to me on the inside. I wish that there was a magic cure to make the rashes go away (well, and the Myositis, but baby steps, right?!) Ha!

Hope you're all well!

Ugh - I have been on prednisone for months, and the only time that it made the eye rashes go away was when I was on a super high dose. Boo!!

I'm keeping this conversation saved so that I remember to add any tips if I figure them out! LOL

It is a violet color? I have the same thing. Are you on Cellcept? That is supposed to help. For me the only thing that really helps is to avoid ALL sunlight. God bless

Yes, it's like a red-violet hue. For me, the rashes are above my eyes, just below my eyebrows. They itch and burn and drive me nuts!
I'm not on cellcept, but do avoid the sun. Hopefully they'll go away when my flare is finally under control (hopefully soon)!