Diet and pain

Hi, just diagnosed with IBM, and in my quest to avoid prednisone and immunosuppressants I found certain foods can trigger a flare up. If anyone else has also found the following foods make you flare, I would like to hear about it. Also I listed foods that cool my system down as well!

Flare up foods:
Farm raised fish especially Tillapia
Diet sodas, artificial sweeteners
Fast food…most especially processed lunch meats.
MSG a big flare up spice for me.
Beef Jerky
white flour products
Canned meats high in salt and nitrates
Sausage and hot dogs
Pepperroni pizza

Foods that cool down inflammation:
Ginger or green tea with aloe sweetener only
Salmon or cod oven roasted
Endive salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing
Spinach boiled or salad
Green beans with tomatoe and onions garlic
Eggs, boiled
Olive oil About three tbls on bread in the morning.
Pure water and lots of it
Cranberry juice pure only
Lean meats without hormones or antibiotics
Beans lots.
Fiber supplements without additives like die or artificial sweetener.
Stir fried veggies with olive oil.

Thanks for these tips Doug. I took myself off prednisone years ago. Scary drug. Hope everything you do works for you. Also, thanks John for the Gluten diet tip. They sell a lot of Gluten free food at Wegmans and Whole foods.

Dr. Andrew Weils anti-inflammatory diet suggests avoiding foods in the nightshade family (e.g.potatoes etc.) and dairy products. Check it out online. Also I bought a great anti-inflammatory cookbook Can give you the title and author if you're interested.

Yes, I would really like to have that information! Thanks!

thanks for your post! I'm sure you helped a lot of people with by sharing. :)

Hi, thank you for this useful info. I read about blueberries, salmon,and olive oil having anti-inflammation properties in the Arthritis Today magazine not too long ago. I was not aware of the flare-up foods though and will try to stop eating them. Pepperoni pizza is hard to give-up but I will do it if it means feeling better!!


Sorry my reply took so long. The cookbook is The Everything Anti-Inflammation Diet Book by Karlyn Grimes. I ordered it on

Thank you so much for sharing. I was just diagnosed a month ago with PM and after the holidays am planning on making some dietary changes. I've been researching too and it seems your list is really consistent with what I'm reading. Eating Mediterranean seems to be the key. Lots of veggies and fruit while laying off the processed food and the gluten. Oh yes, and only drinking water. They also suggested eliminating a lot of dairy.

would be great to know what works for you Dyzziep

dyzziep said:

Thank you so much for sharing. I was just diagnosed a month ago with PM and after the holidays am planning on making some dietary changes. I've been researching too and it seems your list is really consistent with what I'm reading. Eating Mediterranean seems to be the key. Lots of veggies and fruit while laying off the processed food and the gluten. Oh yes, and only drinking water. They also suggested eliminating a lot of dairy.

when I was diagnosed with lupus I was told the nightshades caused inflammation tomatoes. Potato. Bean sprouts. I'm sure you can look up what other foods are in that group. I know that bean sprouts which I love are a no no for me.

when I was diagnosed with lupus I was told the nightshades caused inflammation tomatoes. Potato. Bean sprouts. I'm sure you can look up what other foods are in that group. I know that bean sprouts which I love are a no no for me.