Reynaud's vs. Erythryomalgia

Just curious as to whether anyone else has Erythryomalgia which is the opposite of Reynaud’s. I have ADM and a mild form of Erythryomalgia. Instead of my feet/hands getting cold and white, mine get red and hot. It’s 3:17am and I’m currently sitting with my feet resting on a wet sponge in front of a fan be ause my feet are burning hot. I haven’t wore socks in two years, despite the fact that I live in Michigan and current temps with wind chills in single digits. Anyone else out there with this crazy combo…ADM and EM?

While I don't have either, I know that Nichole Smith has Reynaud's... I'll see if I can get her to jump in on this conversation!


Hi, I do have Reynauds but haven’t even heard of the opposite! It sounds just as miserable though…I’ll see if I can share this convo and get some people with experience with what you are going through! I’ll also ask around on another site I’m on,

Talk soon!

Thanks. It always makes me wonder when I hear that so many with DM also have Reynaud’s. I belong to the EM grouo but havent found anyone on there with DM also.

Nichole Smith said:

Hi, I do have Reynauds but haven’t even heard of the opposite! It sounds just as miserable though…I’ll see if I can share this convo and get some people with experience with what you are going through! I’ll also ask around on another site I’m on,

Talk soon!

I have never heard the term erythryomalgia and cannot find it in my rheumatology or dermatology books.

Sorry, spelled it wrong on my small phone. It's a mouthful to say, let alone spell!

I have both but lately every night my feet and ankles are swollen and red hot.

Hi: I have Reynauds.......I believe that was the beginning of my myositis. Reynauds has been manageable for me so far with automatic start in my car and putting my hands under running water and using a blow dryer occasionally. So sorry for the erthromelalgia people. What does DM stand for? I have been told I have inflammatory myositis with Lupus. I do not know how the Lupus is effecting me.

Much love, prayers and hugs to all of us.