Rejoice and celebrate the season of Spring. Enjoy the colors and the beauty of nature. Reach out to your friends and loved ones and share the warmth, the colors and happiness of Spring. Greetings from Ben’s Friends!
Welcome New Members!
Thanks for signing! This site is built for the patient, spouses, parents, siblings and friends. Our goal is to connect you with others so you don't feel alone or don't want to overwhelm your family.
Help yourself. Explore our community, write about your experience, ask the community. Reach out to the community anytime you need support. Have fun! Again, our warmest welcome to you.
Kudos to Our Ben's Friends Facebook Team
Life With Crohn's is Coming Soon
Ben's Friends Joins the AVM TAAF Walk 2014
Featured Content: Inclusion Body Myositis
Aiming to get information and as well connect with others, Pdub posted this discussion on Inclusion Body Myositis or IBM. Also being newly diagnosed, he definitely is in need of experiences that can relate to him and his condition. Check out Pdub's discussion post for more on IBM as he describes how he feels. Perhaps leave a supportive and informative comment to help him out!
Featured Member: LourdesRenta
Giving a true definition of a mother's love, meet Lourdes. Despite having myositis, she continuously raises her sons for maturity and independence. Lourdes grasps the idea of being strong on how she is facing life together with her family and how she remains standing despite the circumstances that comes with her condition. She is truly an inspiration to all on how she is up against life and how she makes her family first. Get to know Lourdes more on her profile page!
Picture of the Month
Need some inspiration in your journey? Check out this photo mary shared for something to ponder on while your moving forwards in life.
Community Stat:
Number of Members as of May 1, 2014 : 214
Kudos to Our Ben's Friends Facebook Team
Have you seen our Facebook pages lately? Thanks to the FB team who have given our Facebook pages a new and improved look: Dancermom and Debra (AVM), Amanda (Addison's), Jane (PsA), Mandy (Chiari), Mads, Nel, and David (Erythromelalgia), and above all, our talented and dedicated Facebook Manager, Stephen Cox (PSC and Crohn's).
Life With Crohn's is Coming Soon
We are pleased to announce the launch of our Life With Crohn's community - a community dedicated to patients affected by Crohn's- a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you know someone who has Crohn’s Disease, please invite them to join our community and spread the word about Crohn’s.
Ben's Friends Joins the AVM TAAF Walk 2014
Ben's Friends Partners (Eric, Scott and Haley) along with several AVM Survivors members joined the 9th AVM-TAAF Walk2014 on May 4, 2014 in San Francisco. Over 500 participants gathered to raise awareness and funds to support TAAF's research, educational outreach, and programs. The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation (TAAF) is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to bettering the lives, support networks, and medical care of those affected by aneurysm and other vascular malformations of the brain.