It's that rib pain, sometimes centered in the sternum. Since you have muscle weakness in the trunk, do any of you suffer this?
It's that rib pain, sometimes centered in the sternum. Since you have muscle weakness in the trunk, do any of you suffer this?
My son, who will dance the Prince in Sleeping Beauty this spring, is partnering with a stunning ballerina who developed costochondritis a couple of months ago after a virus. Fortunately, she was only out of classes for a couple of weeks, but it was quite a scare, as rehearsals were underway for Aurora, and she didn't know if the costo might turn chronic. It was the first I had heard of this condition. It was quite painful for her.
Oh dancermon, I cannot imagine how she danced with this! I have had it to the point where I could barely pick up a tea cup or dinner plate. My husband took me to the Doctor, they held me down and he gave me a shot of Demerol in the sternum! WHEW! I'll never forget that, but it knocked it out of me, broke the pain cycle!
Air conditioning will really set this off, I just cannot get it far away from me! So that fight will begin soon!
Your son will be a perfect 'handsome prince'! You must be so very proud of him!
I am proud of him. :) The nice part is that Aurora's mom and I are very good friends, and we wanted our kids to partner all year long. This is like a present to all of us.
Demerol in the sternum -- wow. That's hardcore.
Holy crap, SK! That is horrifying! I would have needed to be knocked out for that!
My eyes almost flew right out of my head when I read that!
SK said:
Oh dancermon, I cannot imagine how she danced with this! I have had it to the point where I could barely pick up a tea cup or dinner plate. My husband took me to the Doctor, they held me down and he gave me a shot of Demerol in the sternum! WHEW! I'll never forget that, but it knocked it out of me, broke the pain cycle!
Air conditioning will really set this off, I just cannot get it far away from me! So that fight will begin soon!
Your son will be a perfect 'handsome prince'! You must be so very proud of him!
My husband and my Doctor are big strong men, when they hold you down, you're gonna get the shot!
The tears will flow the night of that performance!
dancermom said:
I am proud of him. :) The nice part is that Aurora's mom and I are very good friends, and we wanted our kids to partner all year long. This is like a present to all of us.
Demerol in the sternum -- wow. That's hardcore.
My husband would have passed out! ;-)
SK said:
My husband and my Doctor are big strong men, when they hold you down, you're gonna get the shot!
LOL, tough guy, huh?
As terrifying as that was, there are very few that I would trust enough to allow it, or for my husband to allow it.
I don't have rib pain, but for years, when I bend a certain way, I get a charlie horse/cramp in my left side under my left rib cage, it's weird
I get those too, Charlotte, and then it seems to become a full body charlie horse. And it is not from a vitamin deficiency, I've had 3 brain MRIs looking for MS or SLE, clean so far! Guess it's one of the systemic autoimmunes?
How are you holding up, my friend?
I have always called a similar sensation "Electric Arrows" - growing pains when I was younger, but the Dr.'s at Mayo said that now it's nerves from my Fibro. Totally weird.
Yes, Maren, growing pains. Like to have a dollar for everyone I've known of here on BF who have heard that! That was the catch phrase diagnosis of the day!